You have just made the greatest decision of your life! Please say this prayer out loud and mean it from your heart: "I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus is the perfect Son of God and that He died for all of my sins. I also believe that God raised Him from the dead and that He is alive forever more. God, please forgive me of all of my sins. Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and into my life as my saviour and Lord. Please save me and please fill me with the Holy Spirit. I receive all of this by FAITH. Halleluia! I am saved!
(Romans 10:9-10)
Please let me know that you have accepted Jesus into your life because this is the greatest thing that you could have ever done! I want to celebrate along with the angels in Heaven that are rejoicing! Today is your spiritual birthday, beloved! Please send me your email address for information on how to begin the Christian life. Don't forget to share Jesus with someone else. I love you!