♥Whatever God speaks to me is of the utmost value to me. His word is one of my greatest treasures and is always pure and true (Psalm 119:140). Please treasure and meditate upon these gems of his rhema and logos word as He graciously shares His heart with us and as we in turn share our hearts with HIM... ♥



*** Gem entry for January1, 2022***

Hello, Family!  It's a new year!  I'm so thankful that God has allowed us to see it!  Have you taken the time today to consider that God has let us see the year 2022 because He still has a purpose for us?  I know that the last few years have been extremely challenging in many ways, but because we are still here, God still has some things that He wants to use us to do.  The last few years have caused me to see many people pass away.  Seeing them pass away has strengthened my resolve to be much more purposeful in the way that I live my life, by God's grace.  I have had constant reminders that time is not forever, and time is something that we can never get back.  How will you spend the gift called time in 2022?


*** Gem entry for July 2020***

Hello, Family!  Where is this entry finding you right now?  I ask you that because no one has to tell me that 2020 has been a challenging year.  It has been a year of uncertainty, tragedy, and despair for so many.  I just wanted to jump on here today to encourage you to keep on trusting in our Lord and to keep on persevering.  As the song says, "Nobody told me (us) that the road would be easy and I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me."  Our Lord has never told us that our road would be easy.  He has, however, promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  That encourages me.  How about you?

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  In the greatest times of uncertainty, I am even more grateful for God's nature and character that change not.


***Gem entry for January 2, 2019***

​Hello, Family!  I pray that all is well.  Well, can we shout hallelujah because our Lord has blessed us to enter into the year of 2019?!  I am so thankful to our God for seeing fit to leave us here for such a time as this.  We have been given a clean slate.  Don't continue to dwell on yesterday's mistakes or regrets.  Focus on Jesus, regroup, and come out stronger than ever to the Glory of God.  By God's Grace, make 2019 a year that brings much Glory to our God through our obedience.  SELAH (PAUSE AND REFLECT UPON).

***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:​  ​New year, new beginnings....


***Gem entry for April 4, 2018***

​Hello, Family!  I pray that all is well.  I just want to encourage everyone that is trying your hardest to figure out what your purpose is.  We were all born for a specific reason, but it can sometimes be frustrating to feel as though we don't know what that purpose is.  I just want to remind us that every time that we obey God, we are walking in purpose!  If you are feeling overwelmed by not being clear on what your life purpose may be, just start with today.  Ask God to help you to walk in your purpose TODAY.  He's faithful and He will lead you!  Go forth, your wonderful person that was created for God's purpose!



***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:​  ​Purpose is often revealed one step at a time, not all at once.


***Gem entry for August 3, 2016***

Hello, Family!  I know that as we serve our wonderful Lord, times can get challenging.  It can feel as though we have hit a brick wall in various areas of our lives.  Those areas can include our relationships, our finances, our health, finances, or even our faith.  I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me to remind His people of this faithful saying:  Don't wait until the battle is over.  Shout right now!  In Joshua, chapter 6, God gave the children of Israel the assignment to march around the city of Jericho for 7 days in order to bring the wall down that surrounded that city.  They were to march around the wall of Jericho once a day for the first 6 days and on the 7th day, they were to march around the wall 7 times.  On that last day and on the 7th march around, they were to shout as the priest released a trumpet blast.  They had to shout before they saw that wall come down.  I want to encourage us to shout whenever we encounter a demonic wall and we can be certain that in His timing, our Mighty God and Defender will indeed bring it down!


***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:  A "Thank you, Jesus" or "Glory to your name, God" just may be the shout that brings your wall down!



***Gem entry for February 2, 2016

Hello, family!  God placed this on my heart in prayer last week and it is my joy to share it with you! Keeping a humble and teachable spirit and attitude is so important as we continue to grow in Christ.  Notice that I said continue to grow because it is something that should never end.  Many times, when we have been Christians and in church for a long time, we can begin to feel like we know everything because we may have heard so many sermons.  Even if we hear 1,000 sermons on the same scripture, look at each time that we are exposed to it as a learning opportunity and a way to get stronger in that particular area.  We don't want to roll our eyes and tell ourselves, "I already know this and I need something deeper and fresher."  That kind of thinking alone shows that we may not be as mature and deep as we may think.  Trust that God knows just what we need, even when we don't.  If we stay humble and teachable, the Lord will raise us to heights unknown in due season.


***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:  Be careful because the things that we roll our eyes at or that we ignore just may be the very thing that we need the most!


***Gem entry for April 4, 2015***

Precious Jesus, 

Perfect is who you are.  Perfect Saviour, Perfect Lord, Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect Heart, Perfect Champion, Perfect Friend, Perfect Warrior, Perfect Peace, Perfectly humble, Perfectly Powerful, Perfectly obedient, Perfectly forgiving...Perfection Personified...Precious Jesus, Perfect is who you are.  XOXO, CHRISTIE



***Gem entry for January 10, 2015***


Hello, family in Christ!  I am so grateful that God saw fit to allow all of us to cross
over into 2015!  I know that the beginning of a new year invokes in many people the
desire to make new year's resolutions. Well, the Lord led me to these Godly new year's resolutions and it was pressed upon my spirit to share them with all of you. I pray that these points will bless you. They are very practical and easy to do and I truly believe that they will make a huge difference in our God given year of 2015!

1. Relationship- Reaffirm your relationship with God. (Micah 6:8)

2. Review- Look back on the past year and ask God to show you the areas of sin and weakness that might have hindered your spiritual growth. (Psalm 139: 23-24)

3. Repent- Confess your sin and ask God to forgive you. (1 John 1:9)

4. Refresh- Ask God to refresh you and to give you a new vision for the year ahead. (Jeremi
ah 29: 11)

5. Renew- Ask God to help you see your life from His perspective. Renew your commitment to His vision and purpose for your life.

6. Daily- (This is my own step that I am adding) Every day matters. Study your Word daily, pray daily, worship daily,  and obey God daily.

I am praying and believing God for all of us in 2015. May God be Glorified!


***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:  Nothing can truly be a success without God, including the year of 2015.

Sincerely and through God's Love,

Dr. Christie Carson


***Gem entry for October 2, 2014***

As we draw nearer to the end of 2014, what have we learned from our journey thus far?  In every season of life, there are precious gems that need to be unearthed, treasured, and tucked away for the next seasons of life.  Sometimes, when we are facing a challenging season, all we may want is for it to be over and done with.  We may even be tempted to feel like we have learned all that there is to learn in our current situation.  That may be our perspective, but what is God's perspective concerning the matter?  If you are being obedient to God and He is allowing a certain season or situation to linger, I encourage you to ask God to show you His perspective, even as He encourages and strengthens you.  There may be more overlooked lessons  to still be learned and more spiritual treasures to still be unearthed.

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  Our focus makes all of the difference.  Instead of focusing on getting out of one season and into the next, let's focus on what wisdom we can get out of our current one until God changes it. 




***Gem entry for March 22, 2014***

Hello, family!  I pray that all is well with each of you.  One of my favorite sayings is, "How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."  It is already March of 2014 and I have a question for each of us.  How have we been spending our days?  Have we been spending them doing the things that God revealed unto us that we should be doing?  Have we been putting off our obedience unto Him until tomorrow?  It's not too late to begin to spend our days doing the things that God has clearly shown us are a part of our purpose.  We don't want to come to the end of 2014, God willing, having not walked in our God given purpose for the year.  More importantly, we don't want to come to the end of our EARTHLY LIVES having never walked in our God given purpose. 



Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Today is a great day to walk greater in divine purpose.  Every day makes a difference.


***Gem entry for November 22, 2013***

Hello, family!  I want to propose a question to each of you.  Are you a good finder?  In other words, are you the kind of Christian that is positive and that looks for the good in people and situations?  I know that life and people give us multiple opportunities to be negative, but we have a choice in the matter!  Perspective is everything!  Use the power of the Holy Ghost that is within you to discern the positive lessons that are buried in challenging situations and people.   A lot of times, we hope to become more mature in Christ and people of more substance, but that does not develop in the easy times only.  It takes us going through the dark times, also.  Sometimes, when going through a dark season, many people just sit back and try to wait it out.  In those times, I encourage us to hold on to God, get our journals out, get in a prayerful posture, and discern the lessons with a positive attitude.  I know that it's not always that simple, but we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).  Be determined from this day forward to be a good finder.  After all, Jesus is one.  He saw the best in each of us when we were a total mess and he still sees the best in us.  It's time for us to do the same.



Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Negativity never leads to anything good!


***Gem entry for August 27, 2013***

Have you ever been through a situation(s) that you just did not understand at the time?  You did everything that you knew to do in order to be obedient unto the Lord, but you still found yourself in a hard place?  You go over your decisions again and again in your mind to try and figure out where you went wrong, but you come to realize that you did exactly what God said.  I want to encourage all of us to remember that our steps of obedience will not only take us to the mountain tops, but sooner or later, they will take us to the challenging places and to the spiritual valleys.  Those places don't always feel good, but they do work a greater work in us.  Those challenging times often draw us much closer to our Lord and show us facets of Him that we may have overlooked in easier times.  Those times give us a depth in God that nothing else can.  Those times birth in us a greater compassion for others that may be experiencing the same issues that we are dealing with.  Beloved, above all else, remember that just because our steps are ordered by the Lord doesn't mean that they will always be easy. 

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  God never sends us on a journey that he does not accompany us on.




***Gem entry for June 14, 2013***

Hello, family!  I am sure that all of us have had times in our lives where we were absolutely positive that our way was the best way.  God said to forgive and we said that there was no way that we could do that.  God said to love everyone, but we felt that loving only those that treated us well was good enough.  God tells us wives to submit unto our husbands as unto the Lord, but many make the decision that it won't ever happen because "I'm too strong willed for that!"  These are just a few examples that allow us to ask ourselves, "How's our way working for us?"  Some may say that doing things their own way is working just fine, but I beg to differ.  No matter what we say, when we don't do things God's way, there's no peace.  We can keep not forgiving, but there will never be any peace.  We can keep loving only those that treat us well, but there will be no peace.  We can keep rebelling against God's order of things, but there will be no peace.  I hear the Lord saying that we have tried things our way, now try them His way!  Family, at the end of the day, God is always right and he always wins.  Let's save ourselves some heartache and some time by just doing it God's way from the beginning.  Don't argue with and fight Him because you (we) will lose!  He is right about everything!  Like the saying goes, "It's tight, but it's right!"  LOL!  

***Bling Point and Gem to Remember***:  The sooner we agree with and obey God, even when it's hard, the sooner we get on our road to personal victory!



***Gem entry for April 13, 2013***

Hello, family!  I pray that all is well with each of you!  I just feel led of the Lord to encourage each of you on today.  I thank God that in being used to encourage you, I am encouraged myself, as I am the first partaker.  If any of you have situations that you are facing right now that seem to stretch every part of your faith, you are not alone.  I am finding as I speak with many children of God that they (we) are in a season that is demanding more of them than they have ever experienced before.  We hear sermons on having faith and trusting in God, but often, we find it to be more challenging when actually having to walk it out.  Let me explain.  We all KNOW that Jesus provided for all of our needs on the cross, but it is still sometimes challenging to stay strong in our faith in certain situations.  For example, we know that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus, but we may still also feel a huge amount of pressure on us when we are the only one praying for a deathly ill loved one.  Our feelings of being challenged don't mean that we don't believe.  It is simply a reminder of our need for total dependence on our Lord.  We don't have to face our situations and issues all alone.  We have DIVINE HELP!!  Run to HIM!!  Talk to HIM!!  Cry out to HIM!!  Take a stroll down memory lane with him and in doing so, be reminded of all of the other things that HE has brought you through...He will bring you through whatever your "this" is, as well.  He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you... 

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Since death could not hold Jesus down, your situation cannot hold you down!  You will overcome because HE will help you!!


XOXO, Dr. Christie


***Gem entry for March 30, 2013***

Jesus, when it comes to the sacrifice that you made for us, there are no adequate words that we can utter...there are no words...there are no words.  We will use the only two that could ever even come close to expressing the gratitude that we feel in our hearts...thank you.

Eternally grateful and loving you like crazy,

Your Christie


***Gem entry for March 11, 2013***

"Jesus is coming back one day"!  Many of us that grew up in church have heard that saying time and time again.  Well, I want to remind all of us today that this saying is indeed true and that we should govern our lives in a way that guarantees our readiness upon his return.  Are we living in a way that we would be glad for the Lord Jesus to find us in or in a way that we would be ashamed  for him to find us in?  Would we panic in that moment or would we be overjoyed?  That is a question that we should all ponder and pray about because, unless we go to be with Jesus through death, his return in the clouds will be all of our reality one day (Acts 1: 10-11; I Thessalonians 4: 16-18). 

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Are you rapture ready?



XOXO,  Dr. Christie


***Gem entry for January 14, 2013***

Hello, Family!  It's a new year and I am so grateful that our God has allowed us to cross over into it.  He didn't have to do that, but he did!  Glory!!!  God is so amazing.  Since he has blessed us with a new year, he has given us a clean and blank canvas upon which to paint the masterpiece of an obedient life unto Him.  Don't beat yourself up about last year's or even yesterday's mistakes or missteps.  Simply confess it to the Lord, repent, and make a decision to live nothing less than a life of total submission and obedience unto him.  Don't you get excited when you think about what the Lord can and will do through you this year as you totally surrender everything unto him?  I do!  The plans that our Heavenly Father has in mind for us are always much larger than what we could ever imagine.  Beloved, your intimacy with and purpose in God for 2013 awaits you.  Go for it, in Jesus's mighty name!

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Let our prayers, actions, and obedience make 2013 a year that we will never forget... 




***Gem entry for December 14, 2012***

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary:  for thou hast found favour with God.  And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest:  and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.  (Luke 1: 30-33, King James Version)

Bling Point and Gem to Remember:   Let us continually pray that our spiritual womb will be a place that God can use to birth miracles.



***Gem entry for November 14, 2012***


During this last presidential election, I have seen and heard a great many things that were very disturbing.  So many prejudice and racist actions and remarks have taken place and not just among the world, but among those that profess Jesus Christ to be their Lord and personal saviour!  Believers!  People of God, the world is looking at our actions and our words in order to get a clear picture of the Jesus that we say we are trusting and living for.  Are we judging people based on superficial things like the color of their skin, or are we looking at each person as an individual that is loved by God?  Of course, bad things can be found in every race, but so can good.  Let's ask our God to search our hearts and if there be any thing that is not pleasing to him, including racism, to please uproot it and take it away.  It's a devil and a robber that will continue to separate if we allow it to do so.     


Dr. Christie


*Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  Do our hearts and actions reflect that all people were created equal by God or do our hearts and actions reflect that equal status only belongs to you if your skin looks just like mine?


***Gem entry for October 2, 2012***

Are you comparing your life to someone else's?  Are you comparing your achievements to someone else's?  Are you comparing your failures to someone else's?  Are you comparing ANYTHING of yours to anything of someone else's?  If so, STOP IT, Beloved!  Most of us have done that throughout our lives and often do it without even really realizing it.  We can be feeling pretty thankful for what God has blessed us with until someone else comes along that looks as though they have a bigger or better portion.  If we are not careful, we may find ourselves becoming downright angry, jealous, nasty, and dissatisfied with what we were earlier content with.  I encourage us to not compare ourselves with one another, but to allow ourselves to be inspired by the God given successes, gifts, callings, etc. of others that God is using to do great things.  Competing with others gets us nowhere.  Being inspired by others can take us everywhere, by God's grace.  Be inspired to your next level...In Jesus's name.



Dr. Christie 

*Bling Point and Gem to Remember Inspiration comes in many forms.  Don't let nastiness, competition, and jealousy prevent us from recognizing it. 


***Gem entry for August 18, 2012***

Hello, Beloved of God!  Think about the person that you love the most in life.  Now imagine receiving a ransom note stating that if you ever want to see that person again, you must pay a huge amount of money.  If you did not pay the ransom, you would never be reunited with the object of your love.  Really think about that for a moment.  That would be horrible!  Even if it took all of our savings, checking account money, credit cards, loans, etc., I really believe that you and I would do anything and everything that we could to come up with that money because of our love for that person.  Our love for that person would not allow anything to hinder us from giving whatever we had to in order to recover him/her.  Our desire for restored fellowship would outweigh any costs that we could incur.  Beloved, that's what the Father did for us when he sent Jesus.  He gave all that he had in the form of his beloved Son because we meant just that much to him!  Our fellowship with the Father meant enough to him that he sacrificed his precious son to make it happen!  His sacrifice was way more than just money!  He paid for us through his son's precious life blood!  He didn't just talk love, he showed love!  Now a quick question for us...Is our lifestyle making light of God's selfless and costly sacrifice or are we allowing our life to tell him thank you each and every day?  Only God and you know the true answer to that. 



Prophetess Christie 

*Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  Is our lifestyle telling God thank you, even when our mouths are closed?  Actions always speak louder than words.... 


 ***Gem entry for July 5, 2012***

Hello, Family!  I have a question for us to ponder today.  Have we allowed life to harden us?  Have we allowed our trials and tribulations to dim that light of hopefulness, love, and faith like a child that we once had?  Life can be challenging for us as believers and some of the things that we go through have the ability to harden our heart, our trust, and to cool off our love walk if we allow it to.  If we don't stay on top of this as we walk through our Christian journey, we can look up 20 years from now and be a totally hardened and skeptical version of what we started out as.  Not only should we check often to make sure that we are keeping Jesus in his place as our first love, but we should also check often to make sure that we are not a Christian that has gained more knowledge, but has turned into a hard and mean version of what we started out as in Christ.  Don't allow that hopeful and joyful you to be eulogized and buried, but resurrected for all that the Lord has in store for you!  Don't wave goodbye to the hopeful you that started out so excited about your salvation, but welcome that you back because you recognize that your greatest times in God are right in front of you!



Prophetess Christie 

*Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  One of life's greatest tragedies is for us as Christians to allow our hearts of love, joy, and hope to become a has been. 


***Gem entry for May 30, 2012***

Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord.  Happy are those who obey his decrees and search for him with all of their hearts.  They do not compromise with evil and they walk only in his paths.  You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully.  Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principles!  (Psalm 119: 1-5  New Living Translation)

*Bling Point and Gem to Remember Let's show the Lord that we love him so very much that we desire for our actions to CONSISTENTLY REFLECT HIS PRINCIPLES!  Remember, Beloved, we show him love through OBEDIENCE!!


***Gem entry for May 8, 2012***

Hello, Family!  In a world where anything that causes us any discomfort is looked at as a major inconvenience, we must be careful to never look at the things that God asks of us as being included in that category.  This Gem entry is to remind us that WHATEVER the Lord asks of us is to be looked at as the PRIVILEGE that it is and NEVER as a burden.  We must keep in mind that it is the MOST HIGH GOD that is doing the asking and we must also remember that he DOES NOT NEED US...HE DESIRES US!!  Those are two very different things.  He can get someone else to do what he's asking each of us to do, but he is asking us because he desires us for that particular task.  I am humbled by that.  I know that life has its demands and deadlines, but I want to stay in a place where I always recognize that whatever God asks me to do is a PRIVILEGE and never a BURDEN, even when my flesh doesn't agree!  On April 5, 2012, the Holy Spirit birthed something in me to share with everyone that will.  It is simply a challenge to go above and beyond in our efforts to pour our love upon the Lord more.  Maybe we can tell him we love him more throughout our day.  Maybe you can write him a poem or a love letter.  Maybe you can go for a walk with him.  He does SOOO much for us...let's show him how much we appreciate him, people of God.  If anyone is worth it, HE IS!!


 *Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  God has a heart...let's minister to it. SELAH 


***Gem entry for April 6, 2012*** (Special Tribute to Jesus, Part 3)

Lord Jesus,

For enduring unending criticism...thank you.  For dealing with doubt from others...thank you...For suffering betrayal from those closest to you...thank you...For accepting rejection from those that you created...thank you...For pressing through the agonies of the cross...thank you...For taking my place...thank you. For being my love...thank you.

Your Christie


***Gem entry for April 5, 2012*** (Special Tribute to Jesus, Part 2)

Lord Jesus,

As you neared the suffering portion of fulfilling the purpose for which you came, I can only imagine what you felt.  The fear that tried to grip you...the doubts that tried to plague you.  I can only imagine that, but I am sure of this...your heart of love for the Father and for us caused you to be the hero of millions.... . We were once prisoners of sin but are now children of the light...that's all because of you.

I can't give you a purple heart(military metal), but I can give you my heart...repeatedly, always and forever....

Your Christie 


***Gem entry for April 4, 2012*** (Special Tribute to Jesus, Part 1)

Lord Jesus, 

For every step of love and sacrifice that took you closer to the reason why you came, we are eternally grateful...We love you, now and forever....

Enraptured by your Heart of Love,

Your Christie  


***Gem entry for March 20, 2012***  

(PSALM 63:1-8)  O God, you are my God;  I earnestly search for you.  My soul thirsts for you;  my whole  body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.  I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory.  Your unfailing love is better to me than life itself;  how I praise you!  I will honor you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer.  You satisfy me more than the richest of foods.  I will praise you with songs of joy.  I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night.  I think how much you have helped me;  I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.  I follow close behind you;  your strong right hand holds me securely.....

 *Bling Point and Gem to Remember:  Let us constantly pray that our lives and prayers will mirror, in our own unique manner, the passion that David exhibited to our Lord and King.  If anyone deserves to be loved passionately, HE DOES!! 


***Gem entry for February 27, 2012***

Hello, beloved family of God!  I pray that all is well with each of you.  I would just like to remind you that when God made each of us, he broke the mold and burned the pattern!  LOL!  He did that for a reason.  He fashioned each and every one of us to play a specific and unique role in the grand scheme of his purpose and will.  Take a moment to celebrate your God-given uniqueness because the Word of God declares in Psalm 139:14, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  marvellous are thy works..."  As we celebrate and become more comfortable with our own God-given uniqueness, we can then in turn celebrate the strenghts and unique traits that God has placed in others.  When we don't appreciate what God has made us to be, we have a difficult time appreciating what God has made others to be.  If Sis. So and So has been given the gift to sing like an angel and you weren't given that gift, praise God for her God given gift of song!  We can praise God anyhow because, even though he didn't give it directly to you, he still gave it to the Body of Christ through her and we can be blessed by it if we choose to embrace it and not resent it!!  Now what has God placed in you that is to be a blessing to him, to you, and to others?  Whatever God has made you to be, allow him to use it to bless him and to bless others.  Don't spend time resenting what he didn't make you to be or do, but on what he DID make you to be and do!  You are a huge blessing just waiting to happen in someone's life and in the Body of Christ as a whole.  God has designed it so that no one else can do what he's called you to do quite like you can!  He is so amazing and brilliant!!  I adore him!!

*Bling Point and Gem to Remember You are the only one of you that God made.  Share that divine design with the world!!

**Point to Ponder**:  We will all be in a much better place if  we spend our time embracing others rather than envying them.